Priority 1 of Wowos Club's 2023 Priorities (WC2023P) is Longevity. You will recall that Longevity is long life and tranquillity. Tranquillity is peaceful, a calm state without noise, violence, and worry.
Today, we focus on worry.
Are you anxious all the time?
Do you like to be in control?
Do you constantly stress about tomorrow or the future?
Do you want to know everything?
Are you occasionally sick - flu, headache, and so forth?
Who usually brings you news to worry about?
What is threatening you today?
Are they threatening you?
Do you threaten others?
Do you feel trapped?
These are all the signs of someone who like to worry. Please 🙏🏾 Take a listen to this:
Worry is like a rocking chair – it gives you something to do, but it doesn't get you anywhere. - Dorothy Galyean
Worry less day, Wowos. Walk by faith today. May God keep you strong.
Warm regards,
Wonga Ntshinga,
Founder and Director
Wowos Club
Twitter: @ClubWowos
Instagram: Wowos_Club