
Wowos Club

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Have #purpose and #direction


Henry David Thoreau once wrote, “If you advance confidently in the direction of your dreams and endeavour to live the life you have imagined, you will meet with success”. Today we focus on Oprah’s video recording. In this video,, Oprah shares her dream about six trees and her beliefs! She always wanted to have six trees at the back of her house. Guess how many trees 🍃 did God give her?


T D Jakes said, “it takes courage to change our lives”. John F Kennedy’s view was, “Efforts and courage are not enough without purpose and direction”. I think that Oprah has purpose and direction. Nelson Mandela had purpose and direction, and so was Steve Biko. I could count many big stars 💫 - they all had purpose and direction. 


So, dream big today, Wowos. Break the chains and be courageous. But, above everything else, have purpose and direction. Don’t forget what Jim Rohn once said, “Life was not designed to give us what we need. It was designed to give us what we deserve”.  


P/s Read more of this here:


Warm regards,

Wonga Ntshinga, 

Founder and Director 

Wowos Club 


Twitter: @ClubWowos Instagram: Wowos_Club 

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