10 December 2022,
Good Afternoon Wowos,
I hope you are doing well.
Last night Brazil allowed Croatia to come back 3 minutes before the end of the game. The match went to penalties, and Croatia won by four goals to two.
In this motivation madness video, Kobe Bryant tells us of his favourite quote, “Rest at the end, not in the middle”. He also shares how we should raise our kids – love them even if they score zero.
Finally, he tells us – “don’t make those mistakes over and over again”. Very importantly, “ask questions and find answers”.
Take a listen here: https://youtu.be/9AJresgcDjg.
Don't rest in the middle, Wowos! Hard luck to Brazil!
Have a great weekend, Wowos.
Warm regards,
Wonga Ntshinga,
Founder and Director
Wowos Club
Web: www.wowosclub.org
Twitter: @ClubWowos
Instagram: Wowos_Club