
Wowos Club

Don't be a number, be a member

Don't be hurried

18 July



"Don't let people pull you into their storm, pull them into your peace."


This world can drain you; this world can hurry you; this world can expect you to respond to every emergency, but DON'T.


A sense of urgency can be a blessing, but it can also be a curse if it is always to the benefit of other people's goals and not yours. If you are always hurried to attend to other people's emergencies, deadlines, requests and so on, you will always end the day like an exhausted and helpless drunkard. Feeling like everything is too fast, but you are standing still. 


Be measured in how you respond to your emails, messages, calls, etc. Take your time in agreeing to requests, especially the ones that come on short notice. After all, you have a life to live at your own pace, dictated by your terms and conditions. 


Don't be hurried.


Jabu Mtsweni

Wowos 5AM Club Member