Let's try solutions as problems are evident to everyone:
1. The demarcations for schools and feeder schools should be communicated better, especially to the Grade 7 learners, as this affects them and their parents directly. This can be done at primary schools through direct communication and newsletters. This helps in knowing to which schools one can apply and the consequences of deviation from this.
2. The opening of applications is fine. Parents need to stick to this. However, feedback from DBE needs to improve. The system cannot close in October, but no feedback or inadequate feedback all the way to January.
3. The admissions of cross-province learners should be handled better, and so should communication to avoid frustrations.
4. late applications should not happen at the same time as the schools open. At this point, parents are already anxious, and to mix those that followed the rules and those that did not is a recipe for disaster.
5. I don't understand why parents are being informed that the schools are full. DBE is already handling the admissions, so the communication should be handled there as well. This also has to happen before the schools close. For parents to resort to going to individual schools tells you that communication wasn't handled well to start with.
6. Registrations should be completed in December to avoid any problems (or at least any major problems). Fees and negotiations should be settled by then. To do this on opening day only causes chaos.
That's my take based on my own frustration suffered.
By: Ngoato Thamae